The good, the bad and the digital clock

A small action game for the GameDevHQ Community Jam 2022.

Your clock is running out of time... Your goal is to survive as long as you can by avoiding the bad (time waster red things) and collecting as many extra seconds (green plus signs) you can.

Game Controls

Movement - Left/Right Arrow keys or A/D
Start Game from Menu - SPACE
Pause Game - ESC

Version history

v1.00 - Initial version which was submitted to the game jam


Programming, GameDesign & SoundFX by András Kecskeméti (ndrew)
Music: Royalty-free, from SOUNDRAW
Font: Digital-7 by Sizenko Alexander
Special thanks to Frenlabs for the Design consultation and for the background.


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Yes I did 39 seconds yay

congrats :)

Thanks :)

got a new record 1:28